Is Remote Recruitment for You?
However well deserved, the process of coming to terms with the need to hire new employees is tedious. As an expert in your field, you have no patience sifting through hundreds of job candidates nor do you have the time. Be it technology, software, healthcare, or law, hiring is a monotonous, underwhelming process.
Meanwhile, your business is flourishing, and you need a marketing professional to showcase your work to the world. You can’t do it yourself because you’re busy running your successful business. A quandary that is only transcended by the reality that you work from home. Hiring the wrong candidate can prove too risky, and possibly devastating to the business. What do you do when your first pancake has to be a professional one, but you don't have the time or expertise to make it?
You Start with Reviews
While true, you should first and foremost start with the reviews of a good recruiting business. Recruitment agencies are specifically dedicated to provide businesses qualified candidates. They are able to spot a qualified candidate easily because of their experience within the field. They may already have a candidate enrolled in their system who would be easy to contact. If not, they would surely know where to find one.
Recruiting agencies function through company connections as well as through the internet. Of course, everybody could hire through the internet. However, having a focused, specialized employee dedicated to screening and communicating with candidates through Linkedin, Indeed, Email, and more is a service that would spare you, as a business owner/manager, the hassle.
Furthermore, specialized recruiting agencies such as our own, Live Digital Recruitment, are experts in certain areas of the job seeker market. In Live Digital, we specialize in recruiting digital marketing employees for different clients. This is one type of specialized recruitment amongst a sea of hiring specialists. Be it digital marketing, software engineering, or anything else, Using a recruiting agency that specializes in your desired applicant market is a great step to take when pursuing a growth to your business. To read more about recruitment agencies, check out our blog: 7 reasons for Companies to use Recruitment Agencies!
Add Some Frameworks
After outsourcing the hiring process, you will not only have time to focus on your regular business activities, you will also have to prepare for the arrival of the new member of the team. This is slightly easier as a remote job, but equally as important. As everything happens online, there must be a plan in place for how the business will progress after the new candidate begins working. What is expected of the new candidate when they join the virtual team? Details such as deliverables, and tasks must be outlined. For this, the business must make frameworks available to enable the employee to work.
How communications will take place, and how often are both pieces of information that must be decided and communicated to the employee as soon as they join the team. How autonomous the role will be as well as any deadlines should also be communicated with the new team member.
As soon as the new employee is hired, an email should be ready as well as all the login information to all the accounts or software that the employee must work with. These should all be organized before the employee joins to avoid a delay in the work and progress of the company expansion. Find out what else remote employees need to work from home in this blog: Top Tips on How to Work From Home Effectively.
Should you Remote Recruit?
Remote recruiting certainly isn't for the weak hearted. As a business owner, HR manager, or Marketing head, the focus needs to be on finding someone who will be trustworthy and dependable. Someone capable and who will require little to no training would be ideal as they are here to make things easier, rather than more complicated. Simultaneously, someone who fits within the team spirit, understands and shares the business values is one who would truly be invested in the company. This is the kind of person who would work with your team in order to drive the business to success.
However, during interviews and whilst evaluating CVs, it can be difficult to determine whether a person is truly invested, or simply selling themself. For this reason, regardless of whether you are recruiting for a remote job or an on-site one, consider using a recruiting agency to make the right choice of candidate. As a business specialized in picking out qualified people, they will be responsible for making qualified decisions based on their experiences within the field. This is especially true for specialized recruiting agencies.
Remote recruitment is intricate and risky. but is made easier using the tools available specifically to make this process easier. If you’d like to find out more about recruitment agencies and their uses, check out this blog: Choosing The Right Recruitment Agency!