Small Business Digital Marketing

Small Business Digital Marketing

Starting a business is an intimidating process. From government registrations and building a brand to successfully attaining profitability. While this is not made easier by the many hoops new businesses need to jump through and the pivotal questions they need to answer in the early stages, persevering through these difficulties is very possible. Many businesses have emerged victorious and have grown to be successfully marketed industry powerhouses. However, it is important to keep in mind a few digital marketing tips that will ensure business success in the short and long term. 


Luckily, The Internet is Free

Digital marketing is always a safe bet. Cheap, simple, and intuitive, this form of marketing could potentially reach a large number of people and can effectively immortalize the conveyed branding that the business has conveyed through its posts, advertisements, media and affiliations. However, is this a good thing? 

The question arises when the risks are taken into account. Inconsistencies in branding could confuse your audience and derail your digital marketing strategy for the foreseeable future. Not to mention the risk of appearing unprofessional to potential clients and customers. Plan out and double-check that your online presence is integrated and not misleading the audience. 

Furthermore, It’s important to remember that content takes time to produce. As a small business owner, your time is likely to be taken up by running the business rather than managing its online presence. Consider hiring a digital marketing professional or even an intern to brainstorm ideas, produce them, and post brand integrated content that will fit within the business parameters and promote it. Check out our blog Making the Right Digital Marketing Hire for your Team to get some insight on hiring your next digital marketing professional who will help you avoid the pitfalls.

Remaining within the parameters is not only important for branding purposes, but it saves a business from getting lost in trending topics. While posting about trends is at times effective, it can often be a gateway to losing the plot, or getting distracted from the business goals that you are conveying to the audience with each post.

Moreover, a professional digital marketing hire will be able to overcome the obstacles of reaching the right audience and gathering a following that will help you grow your business and promote your product or service more effectively.


Start Your Own Opportunity

Unfortunately getting into business with someone is a risky endeavour. Not only for you as a small business owner, but for business clients who are looking for a standard of service to be done. Goodwill and standing are difficult to prove when a business is only a few months old, and they happen to be the key building blocks to trust that others need to get into business with a small company. 

It is very unlikely that an established company will approach a small business to create a working relationship when the small business is new. This means that you will need to take the first step. 

Small businesses need to email, call, or message potential clients. This is pivotal for their success and even survival. You would be surprised at how many companies are willing to work with a small business after some digital marketing and CRM are applied. This cannot happen as you stand idly by and wait. Get personal, and take the first step towards success.

Understandably, however, this is a process that takes up time and stamina, and potentially increases the workload of the service you are providing. Therefore, we recommend you hire a professional or an intern who will take charge of the customer relationship management activity and drive business and lifetime value your way. 

Digital Marketing can make or break a business

Digital Marketing can make or break a business


You Can't Put a Price on Skill

As a small business, it can be risky to hire new people considering the costs associated as well as the risk of hiring a new employee. Firstly, hiring a professional is the same as investing in your business. Investing in a digital marketing professional or a CRM manager can create a ripple effect within your businesses that could double your profits and increase income for a long time by creating lasting relationships with potential and effectual clients while improving your chances of drumming up future business with more clients after you have developed a portfolio for your business. Furthermore, it is important to remember that hiring a new employee comes with a risk no matter how large a business is. 

Risks that come with new employees are associated with the level of skill and competency that the new employee has. While this is an important consideration, unfortunately, the risk is higher for small businesses, considering the lack of experience in recruiting, while also lacking experience in the area of business that they are recruiting for. This can be remedied by going through a recruitment agency that specialises in the industry you are recruiting for to hire quality candidates that will ensure your business thrives. Ensuring your business comprises of quality team members will ensure the level of quality in the branding, the relationships, and ultimately in the service you provide. Essentially, your business will provide quality from the inside out. To read more about recruiting companies and why they can accommodate your needs, check out our blog: 7 reasons for Companies to use Recruitment Agencies.

Invest in your business to achieve your goals!

Invest in your business to achieve your goals!

If you’ve enjoyed reading our marketing tips to ensure your small business grows successfully in the short and long term, check out our blog Are Recruitment Agencies Worth the Fee? to take your next steps toward making your success a reality!